Vilka ligger bakom Bostonbomberna? Bröderna Tsarnajev brickor i ett spel

Böderna TsarnaevBröderna Tsarnajev. Tamerlan, 26 år, (som ville bli OS-boxare  och Dzjochkar, 19 år,  som läste till läkare. 

Brage Norin ställer frågor:

Beviset: Foto av ungdomar med ryggsäckar. Bägge kommer att mista livet så att de inte kan prata. Lee Oswald tystades också.Obamas vicepresident kan inte dras in i en sammansvärjning mot Obama. Det kunde Lyndon Johnsson. Han var redo när Kennedy mördades av det militärindustriella komplexet. Han var väl informerad om sammansvärjningen mot president Kennedy. Förmodligen mördas inte Obama – men han kommer att neutraliseras på något sätt. Militären kommer att ta över makten – sitt största misstag någonsin.

Hur slutar dramat? Det militärindustriella komplexet kommer att dra ned USA i avgrunden. Den sista supermakten på jorden sjunger nu sin svanesång. Nedanstående artikel är tyvärr skriven på engelska. Få i världen är så insatta om hur världens största terrororganisation CIA fungerar  som Pepe Escobar. Läs noga och oroas inte. Det blir ingen världsfred förrän det militärindustriella komplexet går under. Det blir mörkast före gryningen.

 Brage Norin – Skogså Tankesmedja

 Pepe Escobar: The Boston Blowback

“Let’s cut to the chase; the Boston bombing was a classic blowback – the word US networks won’t dare pronounce. The key question to consider is who profits from it.” Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times/Hong Kong, an analyst for RT and TomDispatch, and a frequent contributor to websites and radio shows ranging from the US to East Asia.

Sverige används som en bricka mellan öst och väst

dn svd svd dn svd intressant


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6 kommentarer till Vilka ligger bakom Bostonbomberna? Bröderna Tsarnajev brickor i ett spel

  1. Antonia skriver:

    Ja, vet inte det…. Kan inte saker bara vara som de är?


  2. stefan skriver:

    Som det är. Hur är det då-Ra?


  3. stefan skriver:

    Förstår inte varför Brage är så såld på tron på Obama. SÅ jag frågar ännu en gång varför ska jag se Obama som världens frälsare?


    Considering the arrest of Tamerlan Tsarnaev
    A. One brother, in the video is told to come out of the car and strip naked.
    B. He is taken into custody naked and arrested.
    C. Next, we hear of a shoot out and that he is shot dead.
    We have A and B on the video – so by what credible process can we ever arrive at “C”?
    So without conjecture.

    A. There are two(2) brothers – and these have been the focal point of attention as the mass media has been reminding us ever since the Boston bombing.
    B. We remove one brother from the equation (i.e. since he is arrested – in custody – no longer a threat). So – we get to:-

    C. That leaves one (1) brother we know to have been shot ( under what circumstances we have yet to ascertain – but he is shot and is in a serious condition). So, we can all reason that what we saw on the video footage was footage of the one that was killed – not the one shot and placed in a serious condition.

    Surely, if a man is already in custody and alive – then when he is shot – under what circumstances can such a shooting and killing of a man who already had stripped naked be justified homicide?

    Simple question.

    The facts versus the case presented to the public
    At this point, I can but comment as follows:-
    1. The person being arrested in the video does look like Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
    2. If the arrest was related to a different and unconnected incident – then that “different incident” would still have coincided with the very period of the bombing, and since Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a suspect, it would be an odd arrest that would have arrested Tamerlan Tsarnaev then but not pertaining to the bombing but another incident.
    3. Surely, the journalist is clearly there in the video speaking directly to his eye witness account of events that pertain directly to the post-bombing search for suspects.
    4. The video appeared on CNN and seems to be projecting to the public the arrest of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
    See: – the next video mentions CNN retracting the earlier information announcing that a suspect was arrested:-

    The retraction would be consistent with an attempt to find a new narrative once independent observers started posting youtube videos that either directly challenged and/or questioned the official mainstream media’s version.
    And here is another mainstream media video of someone ( Tsarnaev ?) on his stomach lying flat on the roadway. Can we now begin to piece the original dead Tsarnaev together and link to the man subsequently ( Tsarnaev ?) lying flat and come up with a credible narrative to make the official sequence of events ever fit logically together?:-

    Where is the solid case so far built out of the public information that has been disseminated about the brothers?
    Is there an alternate credible narrative about the Boston bombings?
    Can a government, willfully lie, fabricate evidence, and stage a “false flag” event?
    Yes it can if we consider the following video and the photographs of the events surrounding the Boston bombings:-

    Has this type of strategy ever been used or been deployed by the government of America before? Yes it has been:-

    Klicka för att komma åt northwoods.pdf

    The foregoing declassified document just about says it all, if proof is required of the capacity of government to deceive the citizenry.

    The global cum domestic dimensions of the Boston bombings
    An entire nation was duped by the WMD line sold, before no less an august body, than the United Nations. Fabrications, lies, deceptions and statecraft manipulation at the highest levels was the order of the day – ably assisted by Colin Powell and others at the highest levels of the United States government. Those are concrete facts about events that recently took place, which led to the illegal invasion of Iraq, followed by a million plus Iraqis dead in consequence ( and still counting) and several Americans dead and maimed – in the service of what – an oil war? Hans Blix, the Chief UN weapons inspector’s book* on this whole, sad and bloodthirsty set of events is probably the most, convincing account I have come across of how events unfolded internationally at the time.
    • Name of book: “Disarming Iraq”.
    That backdrop to say this. The misdeeds of the state and its ability to lie, concoct and cover-up is not to be doubted nor debased, by simply focusing on a view that may be posted or published which tries to make a point about the truth behind the events, but fails to do so in a reasoned, consistently logical or credible way. That fact in and of itself does not negate the need to question, analyse and then draw reasonable conclusions.

    The new official narrative about the Boston bombings is that the brothers were “self-radicalised”. Since they happen to be of Chechen descent and also were of the Muslim religion, this further fits into the “war on terror” narrative that Muslims are the enemy, thus justifying the more over- expenditures of the military-industrial complex.
    So, I suspect that now the “war on terrorism” mind-set will increasingly be projected from a 9/11 original position of justifying global warfare, into a “post Boston bombing mind-set” justifying the reduction of civil liberties domestically in the US on the basis of fighting and constraining domestic terrorism.


  5. Helena Palena skriver:

    Stefan: Ja, hur är det egentligen? I alla fall inte som det ser ut om du frågar mig. Många hundar ligger begravna.

    Courtenay: Poor boys. Now anything can pass and occur. There will be two pictures. The official one and the one we have in our heads. It´s not funny äny more. It´s a gigantic tragedy.


  6. stefan skriver:

    Många hundar begravda och många ugglor i mossen bevisligen. Ugglor i mossen tycker jag att man kan se på två sätt idag, om jag överhuvud taget förstått vad ugglor i mossen betyder och det är jag inte allt för säker på hur som vad som är är det för mycket på alla sätt man en ser på det det står i alla fall klart som korvspad.
    Hur man en betraktar så är man en betraktare och kan ju inte säkerhets ställa vad för information som är rätt men det regnar ju bevis från dagens alla kameror och det går väl fortfarande bestämma ifall bilder är manipulerade eller inte även film så klart men tydligen så ska man snart inte få tänka själv utan tänka bara så som man blir tillsagd av överheten vad nu den består av det har jag inte heller riktigt på det klara jag har bara klart för mig att ingenting står riktigt till och det är nog värre en värre.
    Gud välsigne oss alla passar rätt bra hur man en ser på det med i alla fall om man förutsätter att det är något gott vi behöver för att ha en god framtids tro (illa med det för min del om jag ska vara ärlig) först måste nog det ösa ner innan det blir skymt av en finare framtid…Vart stressig där mat bankas på bordet… s’å ingen eftertanke här inte…Vi ser nog de flesta samma om allt snart tror jag..


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