Heja Ryssland! Ge apan en gurka

Det här med gurkorna och smittan. Var på Konsum igår och tog en svensk inplastad gurka i alla fall. Tänkte att den kom ju i alla fall inte från Tyskland. Och man kan ju tvätta ordentligt. Läskigt det här med ehec. Man har ju haft magsjuka och vet hur hemskt det är. Ska jag dö så helst inte i en blodig diarée som slår ut hela systemet. Vad är räddningen? Ett bra immunförsvar och det får man med rätt uppsättning bakterier i tarmen.

Var kommer smittan ifrån? Ingen som vet. Tyskarna är tillbaka på ruta noll. Spanska gurkor fick första skulden och dessa eldades upp. Nu vill spanjorerna ha kompensation. Ryssland stoppar all import från EU. Vågat! Sätter ner klacken och säger stopp till Europa som är så bra och så fint och så demokratiskt. Det finns inga proportioner i det säger en talesman för EU. Kanske inte. Undrar var smittan kommer ifrån. Kanske från infekterat gödselvatten som man vattnar odlingarna med. Eller, det kanske är sabotage!

Fakta: Alla människor bär på E. coli bakterier i sina tarmar där de inte orsakar någon skada. Dessa speciella E. coli som kallas för EHEC (enterohemoragisk E.coli) heter så för att dessa orsakar blodiga diareer hos människa vilket ”vanliga” E.coli inte gör.

Läs Rune Lanestrands inlägg:EHEC kan odlas fram i djurfabrikerna.

SvD DN DN DN Exp Exp


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13 kommentarer till Heja Ryssland! Ge apan en gurka

  1. Bravo!
    Det bästa immunförsvaret får du om du äter lokalt odlade frukt, bär och grönsaker från din egen täppa, eller från dina odlare i ditt närområde.
    Köp dom hos din lokala torghandlare. Plocka bär och svamp i din lokala skog.
    Inga massodlade och giftbesprutade här tack!
    Varför ska vi importera både vitaminfattiga och massodlade och besprutade, ofta ifrån Eu:s växthuskolschoser i södra Europa?
    När vi har både nyttigare och godare frukt, och framförallt våra nyttiga rotfrukter här i norden? Om dom nu skulle kosta nån krona mer, så vad då? Snåljåp där!
    Ekologiskt eller ej, spelar det egentligen någon roll om du vet att de vuxit i Svensk jord?

    Här kommer nu äntligen det utlovade receptet på min sallad.
    Alexander den stores sallad, som passar till all mat, ska serveras på ett litet fat bredvid huvudrätten och äts till maten, och inte före.

    Alexander den stores sallad. (Portionssallad)

    Tomater fint skurna i bitar 4 eller 6 på en tomat
    Skivad gurka.
    Vit sparris, konserverad väl avrunnen.
    Röd hackad eller skivad paprika, färsk eller välavrunnen konserverad.
    Små skurna äppeltärningar, helst sött. Eller tunt skivad rödlök.
    Svarta grekiska Kalamtaoliver med kärnor -3 till 4 st. per port. (Obs, måste vara med)
    Några bitar färskost, gärna grekisk feta.
    Lite hackad färsk basilika strös över tillsammans med lite olivolja
    Två ”rejäla klickar” av Grekisk Tsatsiki ( Måste med, men mängd efter godtycke)
    Över det hela strör du till sist ca 1/2 mycket finhackad valnöt per port.
    Mängden av varje råvara står dig fritt att experimentera med, men ingen smak får ta överhanden.
    Då klingar den lika harmoniskt och fint som Alexander den stores svärd.
    Ps. Detta är ett modifierat recept som jag fick i från en fin krog i den grekiska staden Sparta. (Bild kommer snart på min blogg)

    Smaklig spis helst med Svenska grönsaker!


  2. Pingback: Grönsaksbråket

  3. livsglimtar skriver:

    Funderar över om smittan endast finns i Tyskland? Först hörde jag att de svenskar som var smittade varit i Tyskland, men är det samma sak med de svenskar som har blivit smittad senare? Aldrig säger de ett dugg om det på nyheterna eller så hör jag dåligt.


  4. Helena Palena skriver:

    Alexander: Gott! Det är inte klokt att skeppa grönsaker och djur runt jorden. Men allt för EU:s fria marknad och globaliseringen. Så sjukt! Äter varje kväll som förrätt sallad på tomat, gurka och röd lök och god dressing till plus Kvibille 46 % mögelost. Jättegott.

    Din sallad går inte av för hackor. Men jag tar bort färsk paprika. Det finns inget som är så besprutad som paprikan. Dessutom är den hårdsmält för magen så folk med gallproblem bör absolut undvika den. Och mycket riktigt i rekommendationen bland lök, äpple och sill finns nu också paprikan.

    Livsglimtar: Som jag har förstått det hela så har alla som blivit sjuka varit i Tyskland.


  5. Antonia skriver:

    Alexander den stora. Visst är det fint med grönsaker från den egna täppan, men ska jag dö bara för att jag inte har egen täppa.
    Bor man i en stor stor stan är kanske den enda som bjuds är köpta varor. Och ingen kan man lita på längre.
    Vår värld har alldeles för bråttom. Idag ska man äta kött varje dag. Det gjorde vi inte heller när jag växte upp. Vi hade en ordspråk: ”fler dagar än korvar…
    Man behövde inte äta kött varje dag.
    JAg tycker man borde bromsa in lite och leva lugnare och äta mer balanserad. Tomater och gurkor och sallader och mycket annat var ju säsongs grönsaker. Nu kan man köpa de året runt. Smakar de på vinter? Knappt något mer än att man äter nåt. Men smaken är borta. Kanske även vitaminerna också. Vad gör den för nytta egentligen?

    Nåväl. Världen kommer hasta vidare och vi får lära oss att några faller bara bort.

    Nu har de hittat antiresistenta bakterier i danska och engelska mjölkprodukter.Bönderna proppar kossorna fulla med antibiotika för att kunna hålla jämna steg på marknaden. Vi kommer ta kål på mänskligheten om vi fortsätter i samma stil.


  6. @ Helena – off topic – but shared nevertheless


    What is evident to me is that the politics of the world increasingly has to be viewed in terms of the raw use of military power. The US, at this juncture of human history, is the nation state with the greatest amount of military power in the world and there is serious cause for concern about how that power is used and projected into the world.
    I will explain what I mean.
    When the Wall Street mafia raped private funds and brought the world to global economic crisis, the response by Bush was to inject trillions back to the same gangsters, thieves and “banksters” who caused the crisis. Then, when Obama was elected, he did not reverse the process but continued and gave many trillions more back to the same “banksters”. At the same time for decades before, the United States defence budget has increased constantly year after year. At a time when clearly, many citizens of the US are in need in the midst of a serious economic slump, when there is no ‘cold war’ and the wars in which the US are engaged are not in the least wars of defence in response to any nation having attacked the US, it stretches the bounds of credulity to justify the on-going wars and bombardments of other weaker nations by US military forces and attacks by their troops supported by the NATO nations. In this sense, the traditional political ideas of divisions between Democrat and Republican, right and left, become meaningless.
    Again, post 9/11, the Bush administration used this event as the casus belli for bombing an already impoverished and war destroyed nation ( i.e. post the Soviet invasion and defeat). How does one catch Bin Laden by bombing carpet bombing Afghanistan is a logical question to ask. How does one target combatants who are not uniformed and do not comprise a standing army in their own country is the next question. How does one legitimize having trained the Taliban, Bin Laden and armed the Muslim combatants at a time when the US/CIA ( read: “Charlie Wilson’s war”) wanted to defeat the Soviets, then post war speak of trying to defeat the so-called Al-Qaeda fighters ( i.e. the very ones who had been trained by the CIA and the US is sacrificing young service persons lives for ) – and so justify this foreign incursion with an iota of credibility? How can it be justified to sacrifice young American lives to run an oil pipeline across Afghanistan and shed US blood on foreign soil in a war that supports a man whose brother along with the CIA has seen heroin production reach its zenith simultaneously while American troops have occupied Afghanistan? How can one legitimately speak of “freedom” when since 2003 the US government knowingly lied to the American people and the world about WMDs and clearly is faced with an unyielding resistance( because the Iraqis do not want illegal US occupation) and continue to sacrifice to a number of one million dead Iraqis and over 4,700 American lives ( officially acknowledged by the US) in a depleted uranium infested nation, due to this unyielding American aggression? How can there be any conceivable decency of US foreign policy when for eight years the US supported in turn Iraq under Saddam and Iran in a war that cost significant numbers of human life, during the longest conventional war of the twentieth century?:-


    Today the illegality persists with the irony of the first US President of direct African descent setting out along with his European/NATO partners to destroy Libya, Africa’s most prosperous country measured on social indicies and the per capita income yardstick? This last question is supported, strange as it may seem, from the figures and information available on the CIA factbook ( assuming that post bombing the CIA has not deleted or altered the facts that were posted prior to the NATO bombardment).

    It is these kinds of questions that I find troubling, for that the answers that are to be given take any sentient, perceptive, decent and honest human being to a point of some doubt about why America is projecting its power into the world not so much as the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, but as the “land of thieves and home of slaves”. Pardon my apparent rudeness in so observing, but personally I yet have respect for the document termed the American Constitution for reasons of its innovative construct and genuine attempts to balance the forces and use of power within the nation. For peace-loving American individuals I bear no ill will. Unfortunately, the American government has diverged significantly from the founding fathers nobly expressed aspirations. Sadly, as Eisenhower warned of:-
    “the military industrial complex”
    17th January, 1961
    his concerns have proven overwhelmingly justified.
    I end on that note, because if it were merely me who alerted world denizens to beware of the use of the words “security” , “liberty” and “freedom” in the abstract, when justification is sought for US foreign policy, then no one would give any serious thought to merely my observations as made above about US/NATO hegemonic conduct. In actuality, it was a prescient Republican president who made the observations that increasingly in our world today are proving him brutally, bloodily and frighteningly – correct in his expressed insightful concerns.
    You may not be in agreement with me – but do share these thoughts with your friends, for that we have the power of the internet, our own minds, our basic concepts of human decency, justice and fairness to be question these wars and to resist in whatever ways we can the advancing extended militarism of our times.
    Interestingly, George Kennan, the US architect of the cold war made these four observations:-
    “World communism is like [a] malignant parasite which feeds on diseased tissue” (1946).
    “It may be true, and I suspect it is, that the mass of people everywhere are normally peace-loving and would accept many restraints and sacrifices in preference to the monstrous calamities of war.”

    (N.B.The humane ones amongst us ought not to embrace bellicosity as if it were the normal and natural state of conduct in human affairs. There is indeed a pathology of power, and it is manifest around us.)
    “We should cease to talk about vague and unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”
    “Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”

    What was deemed to be potentially an unacceptable shock to the American economy, in this post Soviet collapse world of ours, viewing the various manifestations of American military power here and now, is an actual shock of horrendous proportions for the non-European and non-American peoples of the world ( some half million Asian lives and about 60,000 dead US service persons from the Vietnam war, to a million dead in the Iraq war and counting upwards). And if we, the people, are not hampered in our thoughts by the belief that the US and NATO really are projecting democratization, human rights and the quest for rising living standards into the world by way of its/their increasing militarism and aggression, the better we are able to appreciate what Kennan had in mind when he wrote the words quoted above. If communism is/was as Kennan stated, and his was an option of capitalism, which now has unchallenged dominance in the world, what must we, the many humans inhabiting our world, make of the conduct of the unbridled option which remains as it gains expression through the projection of military force into the world?

    Think again – peace!
    Courtenay Barnett – 4th June, 2011 ( http://www.globaljusticeonline)


  7. Helena Palena skriver:

    Courtenay: What can we do? How far will they pull the spectacle of war? Destroy mankind? Then they don´t have anything to be parasites on. So what can we do? Irony a black president! Yes! Hope and change! Can Barack Obama sleep peacefully at night? Can he? They say his name is Barry Soetero and that he is born in Kenya. Wonder what Michelle thinks? Wow!


  8. Helena,
    Think of it. It is elected politicians who support these wars.
    They, the politicians vote, supposedly as the people’s elected representatives.
    At the same time, the mainstream media feeds the rationale for the wars. One paper runs large headlines that Gadaffi is killing his citizens; another echoes the same message and then a critical mass of the population start to believe. Check into the facts and then you will discover that Behghazi in the East of Libya is oil rich. The so called “rebels” do not have core leadership and a genuine and spontaneous base of resistance. In other words, and lot of dissent ( not all of it) is CIA paid and foreign supported dissent. I would very much contrast the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings and observe that neither constituted armed rebellion with the rebels seeking to divide the country – there was widespread mass protest. It seems to me at this stage, after 2 months of bombing and external foreign support to Benghazi, that if it really was that a majority genuinely did not give support to Ghadaffi he would be long gone from power and the army would have sided with the popular will of the people.
    What – tell me – would the Swedish government do a majority of the citizens in Malmo took up arms and declared that they wanted to overthrow the government or divide Sweden into two separate states?
    The true news, of course, is that the Swedish government is a part of the problem and not a part of any just solution for Libya:-
    “NATO asks Sweden for more help in Libya
    Sweden could be set to beef up its military presence in Libya following a request from NATO for more assistance.
    • Bildt: Sweden expects Libya mission extension (24 May 11)
    • Two Libyan diplomats expelled from Sweden (20 May 11)
    • Social Democrats in Libya mission u-turn (18 May 11)
    NATO wants to extend its current operation in Libya by a further 90 days, and has asked for urgent support from the Swedish government, reports news agency TT.

    Yesterday, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt confirmed the request from NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen for continued help with air reconnaissance with the possibility of more Swedish troops joining the naval fleet.


    The Social Democrat foreign policy spokesman Urban Ahlin says that the party will be willing to compromise if certain conditions are met.” ( so where do you stand on the issue Helena?)

    See: http://www.thelocal.se/34132/20110602/

    So – right there on your front door you can do something:-

    A. Organise a protest; or
    B. Write to a widely circulated newspaper – and – fully engage the Social Democrats on the
    issues; or
    C. Express your views through the internet on the issues.

    Your question, however, was what can we do. I have two ideas:-
    1. On media disinformation
    Counteract mainstream media disinformation with your own blog, web site and news releases.
    A lot of us are aware that much of the news is skewed towards preconceived public policy objectives – and know that the truth does not always emerge from mainstream journalistic reporting.
    2. On political action
    The steps should be, by reference to local politics, advocate and agitate for genuine political representatives who do represent the will of the majority who elect them ( i.e. there needs to be systems in place for referendums on major issues of war and other big issues that impact the country nationally). Make the elected politicians more accountable, and where necessary make Constitutional changes to facilitate a more truly representative from of government that remains responsive to the public throughout the elected politicians tenure in office. In this way “ the will of the people” will just be that and not some form of disjointed politics where the elected politicians do much that the people do not approve of or want once they are elected. Obama in the US is such an example, where he did not go to Congress to get approval before starting a war with Libya – and – he is very much acting contrary to the views he expressed about the wars prior to his election. In essence, he is not reflecting the wishes of the majority who elected him based on the promises and expressed hopes that he stated to them prior to his election.
    So – you have two basic options:-
    1. Do nothing and remain cynical; or
    2. Act locally and continue to think globally.
    No perfect answer coming from me – but if I am preaching in answering you – it is a sermon that no one should become so disillusioned that they sit inert and accept or embrace a corrupted status quo.


  9. @ Helena,
    This is what I meant when I suggested as one of the options that you can – write a letter.
    I am not being idealistic in saying this. If you speak to those who do media studies, you will discover that the state spends a significant amount of time and money to mould the minds of the people via use of various news outlets. When the President of the US has a press conference they do not let in any and all genuinely concerned journalists. They have embedded persons in the main who share a core of assumptions and the questioning, if any, is done around a centre of consensus on the main issues of the day.
    This man who wrote this letter to Obama, is also a Nobel peace prize winner, so globally he has a more elevated voice than the rest of us. I will try to find another by the English writer Harold Pinter.
    The words carry weight, and just as how the state manipulates public opinion, we the people can influence the world in a more peacful way….read on…..

    From Nobel to Nobel: A letter to Barack Obama
    Adolfo Perez Esquivel
    2011-05-19, Issue 530

    cc TheStirrer‘How can you speak of human rights and the dignity of peoples when you perpetually violate them and block those who don’t share your ideology and must endure your abuses?’, asks 1980 Nobel Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel in an open letter to US President Barack Obama.
    Dear Barack,

    In addressing you I do so fraternally, and at the same time, to express my concern and indignation after seeing the destruction and death caused in several nations in the name of ‘freedom and democracy’, two words which have been twisted and stripped of meaning. They end up justifying murder, and is cheered on as if it were a sports event.

    Indignation at the attitude of some parts of the US population, of heads of state in Europe and other countries who came out in support of the assassination of bin Laden, and by your complacency in the name of supposed justice. You didn’t look to seize and judge him for his alleged crimes, which generates more doubts. The objective was to assassinate him.

    The dead are mute, and the fear of the accused who could disclose inconvenient facts for the USA, was turned into assassination, to ensure that the ‘death of the dog would end the madness’, without considering that you have only increased it.

    When you were granted the Nobel Prize, of which we are holders, I sent you a letter which read: ‘Barack, I was very surprised by your having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but now that you have it, you must use it in the service of peace among peoples, you have all the possibilities of doing it, to end the wars and begin correcting the severe crisis in your own country and the world’.

    Unfortunately, you have increased hatred and betrayed the principles assumed during your electoral campaign before your people, such as ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, closing the prisons in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib in Iraq. But on the contrary, you decided to start another war against Libya, backed up by NATO, and the shameful resolution of the UN to support you, when this high organisation, diminished and without its own mind, has lost its path and has been subjugated to the whims and interests of the dominant powers.

    The foundational premise of the UN is the defence and promotion of peace and dignity among peoples. Its Preamble begins saying: ‘We, the peoples of the world…’ now absent from this organisation.

    I would like to recall a mystic and teacher who has had a great influence in my life: Trapist monk Thomas Merton of the Gethsemane Abbey in Kentucky, who said ‘The greatest necessity of our time is to clean the enormous mass of mental and emotional garbage which blocks our minds and converts all public and social life into a disease of the masses. Without this domestic cleaning we can’t begin to see. If we can’t see, we can’t think’.

    Barack you were very young during the Vietnam war, perhaps you don’t remember the struggle of North American people to oppose the war. I have shared and accompanied the veterans of the Vietnam war, in particular Brian Wilson and his companions who were victims of this wars and of all wars.

    Thomas Merton, analysing a stamp postmark which had just arrived saying ‘The U.S. Army, key to peace’ (‘El ejercito U.S., clave de la paz’) said: ‘No army is the key to peace. No nation has the key to anything which is not war. Power has nothing to do with peace. The more men increase military power, the more they violate peace and destroy it.’
    We should protect LIFE to leave future generations a more just and fraternal society, re-establishing equilibrium with Mother Earth. If we don’t react to change the current situation of suicidal arrogance which is dragging peoples down, it will be very hard to come out and see the light. Humanity deserves a better fate.

    You know, hope is like the flower which grows in the mud and blossoms in all its splendour, showing its beauty. Leopoldo Marechal, the great Argentine writer, said that: ‘You get out the maze via the top’.

    I believe, Barack, that after following your erring way, you find yourself in a maze, unable to find the exit and you are burying yourself more and more in violence, devoured by the domination of power, and you think you possess all the power anyone could have, and that the world is at the feet of the USA. So large are the atrocities committed by different US governments in the world… It is a sad reality, but there is also the resistance of peoples who do not capitulate before the powerful.

    Bin Laden, alleged author of the attack of the Twin Towers, has been made the devil incarnate who terrorised the world, identified as the ‘axis of evil’ and this has served you to wage the wars that the military industrial complex needs to place its products of death.

    You should not ignore that researchers of the tragedy of September 11 have declared that the attacks were in many ways self-inflicted, such as the crash of a plane into the Pentagon and the prior evacuation of the Towers; an attack which provided a motive to launch the war against Iraq and Afghanistan and now against Libya; arguing based on the lie that all is done to save peoples in the name of ‘freedom and the defence of democracy’. And cynically stating that the deaths of women and children are ‘collateral damage’.

    The word is devoid of values and meaning. You dub assassination ‘death’ and finally the US has ‘killed’ bin Laden. I am not in any way defending bin Laden, I am against all terrorism, by both these armed groups and the terrorism of the State which your government exercises in various parts of the world, supporting dictators, imposing military bases and armed intervention, using violence to maintain yourself via terror at the hub of world power. Is there only one ‘axis of evil’?

    Peace is a practice of life in relations between persons and among peoples; it is a challenge to humanity’s consciousness. Its path is difficult, daily and hopeful; where people build from their own lives and their own history. Peace can’t be gifted, it is built. And this is what you’re missing lad, courage to assume the historical responsibility with your people and with humanity.

    You cannot live in the labyrinth of fear and control, ignoring international treaties, pacts and protocols of governments which are signed and then transgressed once and again. How can you speak of peace if you don’t want to honour anything, except in the interests of your country?

    How can you talk about freedom when you keep innocent people in the prisons of Guantanamo, in the USA, in Iraq and in Afghanistan?

    How can you speak of human rights and the dignity of peoples when you perpetually violate them and block those who don’t share your ideology and must endure your abuses?

    How can you send military forces to Haiti after a devastating earthquake, instead of humanitarian aid to that suffering people?

    How can you speak of freedom if you massacre the peoples in the Middle East and foster endless conflict which bleeds the Palestinians and Israelis?

    Barack: Try to look at your maze from above; you may find the star that guides you, even knowing you can never reach it, as Eduardo Galeano said so well. Try to be consistent between what you say and do, it’s the only way to not lose the path. It’s a challenge of life. The Nobel Peace Prize is a tool at the service of the peoples, never for personal vanity.

    I wish you much strength and hope, and we hope you will have the courage to correct your path and find wisdom and Peace.

    Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

    Buenos Aires, 5 May 2011

    P.S. On a day like today 34 years ago, I came back to life; I was on a flight to death during the military dictatorship in Argentina supported by the USA… Thanks to God I survived, and had to find my way out of the labyrinth above desperation, and discover in the stars the path to be able to say like the prophet: ‘the darkest hour is when the dawn begins’.


    * Adolfo Pérez Esquivel is an Argentine sculptor, architect and pacifist. He was the recipient of the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize.
    * Translated from Spanish by Bob Thomson, Ottawa, 12 May 2011.



  10. @ Helena,

    Harold Pinter’s Nobel acceptance speech is well worth considering – when you want to decide what you can do about the matters we have been dicussing:-


    Those are my replies.


  11. Helena Palena skriver:

    Courtenay: Thank´s for all your suggestions of what one can do, Writing to Obama is like throwing pearls to the swine when knowing that Obama is not a true person. Who rules him? What can he really do besides fooling the masses into hope and change? Yes! You can always write a letter. You can always write. But will it help? One person can not change the world. But he or she can always try.


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