Jävla barbarer! Vem rycker i trådarna?

Tror ni Mona Saif, 24 år, demonstrant i Kairo vill ha Sharialagar om hon får välja?

Inga fler resor till Egypten. Nej, märkligt vore det väl annars. Pinnar som sticks i myrstackar är inte att leka med. Nu blir det invasion till Kanarieöarna istället. Tur att man redan bokat sin resa. Förresten – det kanske inte blir något resande alls för någon. Snart kanske det smäller för gott. Obama vill ha ordnad övergång nu. Folk i Amerika är trötta på krig i andra länder. Förståeligt med tanke på att deras eget samhälle håller på att krackelera. Det byggs koncentrationsläger i Amerika. Vilka ska sitta där? Läs vad Benjamin Fulford skriver. Mubarak sitter som en bricka mellan USA och arabvärlden kanske har stöd i sin tur. Det sägs att arabvärlden vill ha bort Israel och att Mubarak är garanten med stöd av USA. Men nu är spelet nytt och Mubarak sitter inte med trumf på hand. Han sitter i ett hav av blod.

Jag har aldrig varit i Egypten. Tänker inte åka dit heller förrän dom slutar skära sönder underliv på flickor och sen sy ihop. Jävla barbarer! Åker inte till Thailand heller förrän dom tar bort barnprostitutionen. Skulle spy vid åsynen av en fet västerlänning med en liten flicka eller pojke vid handen. Hur kan Egypten ha över 80 miljoner invånare? Alla måste vara födda under enorma plågor. Att förstöra naturens födslokanal! Hur kan sånt tillåtas? Blir det sharialagar som vinner i Egypten finns ingen framtid för landet. Det blir Desert av hela slanten. Öken. Öken. Men det kanske blir som i Iran att shariagubbarna tar makten och så har allt blod flutit förgäves.

Hosni Mubarak, 82 år, har varit statschef och diktator i 30 år. Under galgen kommer han nu med tal om tal författningsreformer och korruptionsbekämpning och tror att det ska lugna massan. Varför har han inte gjort något mer än skott sig själv? Var kommer såna ifrån? Tycks växa på trän. Ur detta blodbad får vi hoppas det kliver fram en demokrati. Av Egyptens befolkning är hälften under 25 år som vill ha en bättre framtid.

Är det något nytt som sker? Så här skriver kommunisten Lindeborg. Hon vädrar klasskamp: ”Den arabiska revolution som nu rullar upp framför våra televiserade ögon är möjlig för att arbetare och andra obemedlade bildat en allians med medelklassen och de intellektuella. Det är vid såna tillfällen – Frankrike 1789, Ryssland 1917, Iran 1979, Sovjet 1989 … – ett folk blir explosivt och lyckas störta det gamla ner i gruset.” Nej, som alltid är det en kamp mot dom osynliga aktörerna i bakgrunden – det finanssystem vi lever under. Här några röster med andra infallsvinklar. Röster som Lindeborg borde ta med i sina analyser:

Egypt revolution is fake: ”there is no way they would let this happen if they didn’t want it to”

Lyndon Larouche
** Läs mer hos Stefan A!



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28 kommentarer till Jävla barbarer! Vem rycker i trådarna?

  1. gotiskaklubben skriver:

    Åsa Linderborg glömmer Stockholm 2011/2012 – den mediala klass hon tillhör kommer att få så mkt stryk från så många håll som de aldrig har räknat med.


  2. Helena Palena skriver:

    Gotiska: Tänk om du har rätt! Så hemskt!


  3. Antonia skriver:

    När man väl makten fått vill man ej den släppa.

    Sen finns det dumma diktatorer som aldrig fattar när det är dags att gå hem från festen, och finns det smartare. Putin regerar i bakgrunden. Men har gör väl fortfarande. En modern diktator.


  4. elina skriver:

    Revolution? De brukar sluta med en ny diktator: Napoleon, Lenin, Mao, mfl, mfl. Men det har gått Linderborg förbi.


  5. Helena Palena skriver:

    Antonia: Har man väl en gång fått smaka på maktens sötma vill man nog hålla sig kvar. Alla gör det. Tänker på Rumäniens diktator med sin krimmelmössa och hans fru. Skjutna som hundar. Dom hade guldkranar i sina baddrum. Tror säkert dom häckar i helvetets eviga eld som belöning nu.

    elina: Precis. Det kommer hela tiden nya diktatorer. Inget blir nytt under solen. Jo, kanske om vi kommer till rätta med pengarna i världen. Pyramidspelet måste falla.


  6. d.iljas skriver:

    gamle mubarak har har förbrytare från judiskt håll som visar sitt fula tryne, allt påminner om judiska förbrytelser mot de små rester som finns kvar av palestinska folket


  7. Jerry skriver:

    @ d.iljas
    VARFÖR blandar man ALLTID judar när något går galet?!

    ”Revolution? De brukar sluta med en ny diktator” skriver Elina, och det är så sant som det kan bara vara!

    Det enda skillnaden ser man på den styrandes namn, och som det har varit alltid blir det åter en militär.

    Muslimska brödraskapet grundades i Egypten 1928 av Hassan al-Banna.
    Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar El Sadat och Hosni Sayyid Mubarak har alltid hållit Muslimska brödraskapet under uppsikt, och alla har varit militärer…

    Detta är en dokumentär sändes på norsk TV, november, 2010 (engelsk text). Titta på den och bedöm själv!

    Kanske imorgon vet vi mer om Muslimska brödraskapet tar makten.
    Därför är konflikten är så inflammerat;


  8. Josef Boberg skriver:

    IGEN – Vilka är de enda som kan bringa ordning i kaos

    Wåra mer eller mindre folkkära PyramidMaktHavare – eller Wi av vanligt folk = väsentligt flera än 90 % av medborgarna ❓


  9. Josef Boberg skriver:

    … i Sverige – såväl som i världen i stort – Egypten inkluderad.


  10. Linda skriver:

    Har en känsla av att det kommer en räddare som banar väg för en global värld. ;/

    Muslimer är emot ränta/ocker sunt. (alltså inte västallierade utan i grunden.)

    Och i den amerikanska konstitionen är inte skatt tillåtet. Jo det är sant! det finns medborgare faktiskt som vunnit mot staten där. Har ingen länk de var ett tag sen ja läste, jävligt intressant.

    I övrigt strålade Helena, att du tar upp Femacamps! Skulle dra från staterna rakt av om ja bodde där och har förstått att en del som har möjlighet gör så.


  11. Linda skriver:

    Du skrev ju om de osynliga aktörerna bakom…sorry läser alldeles för fort.


  12. Sweden sells armaments as it did to the Nazis while pretending to be neutral; some countries cut off the clitoris of little girls and punish the woman for having been raped and lost her virginity – are we as a species “civilized” – well not all of us at any rate!


  13. RE skriver:

    stridsvagnseld mot Mubarks gömställe enda vägen gör ett snabbt slut på
    usa/israel despoten


  14. @ Helena,

    The Western world and media and Western governments now act horrified in learning about human rights abuses committed under Mubarak’s regime. May I ask – what took them so long to notice and where were they for the past 30 years? May I also say to its credit human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have consistently reported on and exposed the regime’s brutality and criminality. 30 years later we now hope for change and progress.


  15. It may be hard to accomplish -but – should we not all be looking at Egyptians as fellow human beings?

    Here is something to help you get there: http://jackandcokewithalime.blogspot.com/2011/02/youtube-video-documentary-on-background.html


  16. Helena Palena skriver:

    Courtenay: I look at the egyptians as fellow human beings! They are as conned as we are although they are living under the same corrupt financial system. A system in which the bankholders can print money out of the blue and then take interest on the air. Smart system I would say! How long can that be allowed? No wonder people goes berserk. Too bad though people in common don´t have a clue about that.

    Maybe the muslims are the ones that can save us. Could they only leave the desertthinking and Allah behind it would be nice. 😛


  17. halleluja skriver:

    Hej Helena,
    Om Islam vinner i Sverige sa blir det en latt overgang for dig eftersom de inte tar ranta. Du verkar ratt penning centrerad.
    Din klitoris kan du val ge upp latt sadar.
    Allt blir separerat man/kvinna. Du far ga till en lakare, advokat etc som ar kvinna, sa hoppas du bor centralt. Om du vill skiljas sa ar det omojligt, daremot kan din muslimske man skilja sig fran dig genom att saga sa tre ganger. Han far dessutom vardnaden av era barn. Skont, tanker du kanske.
    Du far ga och trana pa gym om du vill,men bara pa dagar som inte karlar tranar for da blir du inte inslappt. Skont det med, tanker du kanske, da glor inte karlarna pa en. Hoppas Islam och sharia genomfors snabbt i Sverige sa att du kan fa atnjuta samma privilegier som dina islamska systrar har lyckat fly ifran i sina hemlander.


  18. @ Helena and Hallelujah,

    Guess my heritage makes me understanding and generally tolerant of different nationalities. My father was of African descent and my mother of East Indian.

    The thing about the Muslim laws at the most fundamental level is that like the Christian beliefs, which provided a lot of foundation for many of the legal systems’ mores, teh Muslim laws at worst remain stuck in the past. Attituides to women really are primitive at worst. And, really, I do not write this with any arrogance or hatred – just what I believe as a father with a daughter. Could not think of her as less than deserving of the best education I can afford for her and loving and respectful treatment from anyone she choses to marry. I have points of depart with fundamental Islam, but can say that from my student days I found some Muslims very generous people. I am Western and so we differ in many regards.

    Helena – here is an analysis I came across this morning and thing that the writer makes a lot of sense ( what do you think?):-

    The Democratic reforms sweeping the Arab-African countries are something that needs to be analyzed with sober minds without any hallucinations of the jargon of rules of the game. Remember, after saidi
    barre in Somali, what happened? We should be able to align these happenings with the cultural, religious and geo-political importance to the west. If in Tunisia the US government did not spread it worldly advice to the protesters, then you should know that, Egypt is a very cardinal element in the world trade using the Suez Canal. The US government had to take keen interest and waylay the Egyptian protesters in believing that democratic reforms are now unfolding around Egypt, to the contrary. US government feared Hammas to lead in Plaestine, even though it was democratically elected. The muslim brotherhood in Egypt may take this delicate situation to usurp power in Egypt. This is the fear of US Government. How would the US government work with them? I will not be surprised that the US CIA are involved in these Arab uprising. How then do you explain their forceful involvement in Egypt than in Tunisia. Today, there is an envoy from the US government in Egypt and not Tunisia. What these imperialists do is, they support leaders like Museveni, Mubarak and the likes, without mentioning democracy in their face. All they what is their interest to taken care of first then fake democracy last. This issue of Americans supporting the leaders like Hosni Mubarak and Museveni has nothing to do with democracy, it looks at geo-political issues period!

    However, power vacuum will led to chaotic situation in the middle east, hence Mubarrak appointing a spy chief as his heir to the throne.

    According to my philosophy, the Arab world needs a strong leader for it to be very stable and continue to relate with other countries in harmony. Once it imports foreign political ideologies, it creates antagonism among its citizens. Once more, Americans may not be comfortable to work with an extreme lead government.

    AUBREY CHINDEFU-LUSAKA ZAMBIA TELEPHONE: 0975 255734 / 0977 836651


  19. @ Helena,

    I agree with you about the banking system.

    I make a joke with friends and say – ” Capitalism has socialised itself”. I mean that the ”Banksters” and Wall Street people robbed the public, took hard earned money, pension funds, and all sort of mortgage money and then ”invested” ( in quotation marks – because not sure you can call what they did investment. Then the US government turns around and bails out the same thieves by handing them back trillions of dollars to go do the same thing all over again. If anyone put a business in bankruptcy the free market system would in theory hold that they deserve to fail and then have a more competent business person run the business. Not so with these thieves.They put the money from pension funds, mortgage payment and other legitimate sources of earnings into financialised mortgage schemes, derivatives and any scheme they could dream up where there ultimately was nothing backing the financial arrangement. Just sell the scheme and keep things moving until the finacial bubble ultimately burst. America keeps getting away with this because from the time the US economy came off the gold standard there was nothing backing the US dollar, but because the US dollar is used as the world’s reserve currency when any other counntry doing the same thing would long ago be bankrupt. Now that most of the manufacturing jobs have migrated out of the US they are left with just the financial scheme and countries like Russia and China holding a lot of US dollar designated financial instruments – so the Russians and Chinese also have a vested interest in not seeing the dollar collapse overnight. But, in actuality there is nothing tangible propping the dollar up. What exists is a need not to invite overnight total collapse and the historical usage of the dollar – which is how the global banking and finacial game is persently being played out – but it could still collapse.


  20. Utlandssvensk skriver:


    You really do sound like a racist:

    ”Guess my heritage makes me understanding and generally tolerant of different nationalities. My father was of African descent and my mother of East Indian. ”

    This very much implies that:
    1. Heritage is a key factor regarding how tolerant a person is.
    2. People with African and/or East Indian are more tolerant than others.

    This is racism, pure and simple.


  21. @ Utlandssvensk,

    Not my point at all and very much disagree.

    My observation of people gbenerally is that a certain kind of parocialism might set in where one is of or lives in a fairly homogenous society. This has nothing to do with confinement to any specific racial/national grouping. Of course this is a generalisation and they are many excepts to the general proposition.

    Stands to reason that with greater exposure, mixed heritage, again there may be a greater tenedcy to understand/appreciate cultural differences from an early age. Anothre generalisation, of course and many exceptions to the observation.

    Oh so easy to label a person ”racist” and I don’t think this label fits me nor will I permit it to stick.


  22. @ Utlandssvensk,
    To break down what I am saying. If one grows up with diversity and lives with that in one’s immediate family – is such a person more or less likely not to imbibe stereotype views about race/ethnicity – or more likely to be racist?
    Parochialism ( pardon my previous typographical errors and misspellings) can seep into the human psyche with less as distinct from more exposure to diverse cultures. Is this a racist observation?
    You tell me Utlandssvensk.


  23. Utlandssvensk skriver:


    You did make a very racist statement. This may or may not mean that you are a racist. I have lived in many diffent countries and my experience is that in general, there is a massive amount of racism against white people from people of color.

    I have been to Barbados and know several people that have lived there and there is no question that there is significant racism against white people there. Sure, it goes both ways in the sense that a lot of the white people, in private, have very racist views about blacks.

    ”Stands to reason that with greater exposure, mixed heritage, again there may be a greater tenedcy to understand/appreciate cultural differences from an early age”

    Well, that would be fantastic but I see very little empirical evidence to back up that statement. To me, it seems at least as likely that the opposite is true. Sweden used to be 100% white and is one of the absolutely most tolerant countries on the planet (too tolerant, if you ask me). I see very few culturally and racially mixed nations that are living in harmony. Typically, the different groups do all they can to segregate themselves and war and hate are common.

    What is your view regarding South Africa? The whites are beeing driven out, Good or bad? .


  24. I will start with your last observation first – South Africa.
    As a student I was a protester against the racist regime. Not saying for a moment that my few protest demonstrations was a big contribution, but I am saying that I have taken a stand against racism.
    Moving along with your comments. Indeed I agree with you that there can be, and are, people of colour who are racists. What I am categorically stating to you is twofold:-
    i) I am not a racist.
    ii) I explained myself, that my comment was not racist – so it is the explanation that you need to address and not the assumption about what you think may be implied by my post.
    Moving back to South Africa. My feeling is that there is a Black backlash and racism there against Whites. Might I add that I have a White South African friend who lives in London and knew Whites who were racist and some who were not during the Apartheid era. I am not from that country but intend to visit it at some time, maybe with my family. I met a White South African couple in Jamaica about 4 years ago and we got along very well and they have extended an open invitation to visit them. Likewise my friend in London would, I am a sure, be happy to have me visit South Africa. So, from the personal to national level – racism is wrong and again there is a lot of it on the loose in the world.
    Now – to my part of the world and the Barbados of which you speak. I can speak with more knowledge of the Caribbean. The brief history is that the islands originally had Taino or Amerindian Indians inhabiting. From 1592 Columbus landed and the Spanish set about decimating or annihilating the Indians. The more aggressive groups survived and the more passive ones, such as those in Jamaica were all killed. Barbados had been a possession of the Spanish and Portuguese. The English had been in Barbados for a very long time and the island has been termed “Little England”. Like the other Caribbean islands the lands became slave plantations where Africans were enslaved by the Europeans and the wealth produced on the slave plantations was in large measure shipped back to Europe. Haiti is an interesting case study with the first slave rebellion in this hemisphere and the punishment for the audacity of its liberation continues in international relations to this day. After the emancipation of the slave trade and slavery, the system moved to the importation of Indian and then Chinese labour for indentured servitude. More groups came subsequently and many persons cannot claim to be 100% of a single grouping as the slave masters raped the African women and after emancipation there was intermarriage. So far as your experiences in Barbados go, there were Irish immigrants there and the population is about 4% Euro- Barbadian. The resentments and/or hostilities felt or expressed against Whites might broadly be explained by reference to these historical facts.
    Finally – your question about Whites being driven out of South Africa. My friends have explained the situation to me from theirperspective and have carved a place for themselves. You may care to read Coetzee’s novel “Disgrace” which I view as well written and very honest. The ANC labeled it “racist”. He left and I believe he now lives in Australia. My view? Having said all that I believe that the Whites should have space in South Africa and can contribute to their country’s future development. As with Zimbabwe, I do not believe that it makes political or economic sense to take a position of revenge that is short-term and based on immediate political expediency. I believe that pragmatism itself should dictate that social and economic space and functions be made for the White sectors of that society. A bit like having a revolution and then losing your middle class in droves – they will ultimately have to be found somewhere and that should not be a process of seeking to use political expediency to remove trained people on the pretext that the Blacks are being empowered. There is a case to be made for huge investment in education of the historically less fortunate, and I support that, but will not go the path of racism.
    Is racism right? It is not.
    Those are my thoughts and now you have my answers.


  25. Utlandssvensk,

    Here – on the lighter and touristic side of things….


  26. Helena Palena skriver:

    Halleluja: Jag vet precis vad det innebär med sharilagar. Men om vi skulle ta det bästa från dom två fälten: ingen ränta och vår sekulära och sköna värld! Fandango! Vad sägs om det?

    Courtenay: ”but it could still collapse.” Yes – it must otherwise the world will be a horrible place to dwell in. What do you call Donald Ducks uncle in english? The richest man in the town. He´s bathing in gold like the banksters do while people are starving.


  27. Utlandssvensk skriver:

    What do you call Donald Ducks uncle in english?

    Scrooge McDuck

    Taken from Dickens Ebenezer Scrooge, I guess.


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